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"10 Things I Hate About You", directed by Gil Junger- Analysis of the song "Bad Reputation" in the movie and its link with Taming of the Shrew
The idea of an individual disregarding their own reputation is shown in the song 'Bad Reputation' written by Joan Jett. The individual demonstrates this concept by being untroubled by the thoughts and opinions of others, not doing things just to please others and being rebellious. This idea also runs through the play "Taming of The Shrew", written by William Shakespeare 1592, and the movie "10 Things I Hate About You", directed by Gil Junger 1999. To be an
rejecting his rules and respectability of him. Her unpleasant and harmful nature support her 'I don't give a damn 'bout my reputation" attitude even further. The notion of disregarding one's reputation can be depicted from the song "Bad Reputation", "10 Things I Hate About You", and "The Taming of The Shrew". This concept is displayed through the action of one being undisturbed by other people's impressions, not doing things just to please others and rebellious behaviour.