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992words.Miscommunication between men and women. includes book pages for sources using Writing the World:(Cooper and MacDonald). Includes Authors Deborah Tannen and Senta Troemel-Ploetz
Miscommunication between Men and Women Throughout the world men and women have difficulties communicating with each other for many reasons. There have been many books published to try to explain the misunderstandings of communication, some with far fetched ideal reasons and others with logical explanations. Although these books where written with the same concept in mind, not all of them agree with each other. Take for instance Deborah Tannen and Senta Troemel-Ploetz. Tannen believes that
we perceive women and men. As in both Deborah Tannens essay and Senta Troemel-Ploetz essay, they are both on the same topic; they just disagree with what each other are saying due top different beliefs and different cultures. Tannen wants to help people to the best of her ability, and Troemel-Ploetz wants to help people think more rationally then to buy books to learn about things that you could have figured out on you own.