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A Guide to Hypnotism
A Guide to Hypnotism What hypnotism is? Hypnotism, contrary to common belief, is merely state when your mind and body are in a state of relaxation and your mind is open to positive, or cleverly worded negative, influences. It is not a trance where you: Are totally influenceable. Cannot lie. A sleep which you cannot wake up from without help. This may bring down your hope somewhat, but, hypnotism is a powerful for self help,
an ever increasing deeper and deeper state than before. 1.You feel energy course throughout your limbs. 2.You begin to breathe deeply, stirring. 3.Beginning to move more and more your eyes open, bringing you up to full conscious. 4.You are up, up, up and awakening more and more. 5.You are awake and feeling great. And that's it! You now know how to hypnotize yourself and someone else. You will learn more and more as you experiment.