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A brief history of drama
A Brief History of Drama The time period from about 1650 to 1920 was ever changing in the world of drama. Neo-classicism sprung up from Greek and Roman models in Europe during the Enlightenment, Romanticism struck the Globe in the 1800's based on principles like emotion, intuition and seeking God. During and after the 1800's naturalism and realism began to play major roles in the area of drama. Naturalists such as August Strindberg and realists such as …
…right direction when they looked beyond restriction and let what is real come to life. It is obvious that very monumental changes occurred in drama from 1650-1920. All over the world new ideas and innovations were being explored and challenged on stage. From neo-classicism and strict guidelines to free flowing, emotionally based romantics, to the "real" realists, drama took monumental steps in many directions, but these directions shape what we now know today as, drama