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A report on Network Security based on the text: Ahuja, V. (1996). Network & Internet Security. Massachusetts: Academic Press Inc.
A secure network is critical for the survival and success of many businesses. The rapid evolution of client/server networks, the phenomenal increase in the number of networks attached to the Internet, the widespread use of web browsers, and the growing commerce on the internet each require that communication networks are secure. Security concerns for private networks as well as for the Internet range from exposures to computer viruses to break-ins by an intruder on
It then describes, more technically, the many different security elements and their uses, including user authentication, virus protection, and encryption. The book not only covered network and workstation security, but Internet security as well. The author Vijay Ahuja covered such important Internet issues as secure e-mail, electronic commerce, and data transfer. I considered this book an essential reading for any networking profession. It provided me with a broad understanding of data security topics and technologies