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A report on a few different feild in radiological jobs in mississippi.
Radiological technologies and technicians perform a variety of diagnostic radiographs on inpatients and outpatients. They take x-rays and administer non-radioactive materials into patients' blood stream. They are also responsible for preparing patients for examinations. Technologists are required to be sensitive to patient's physical and psychological needs. They must pay attention to detail, follow instructions, and work together as part of a team. Preparation for this profession is offered in hospitals, colleges, universities, and the U.
the medical equipment they are familiar with, and advocates for health care. The average salary for an Ultrasound Technologist is about $42,523.41 a year. Radiological Technology is a big help on society. As told, it can help reduce health risks and sometimes prevent death. It is also great because it helps bring new life into the world. Works Cited Radiological Technologists and Technicians. www.bls.gov. 10/13/03 Radiological Technologist. www.mshualthcareers.com. 10/13/03 Ultrasound Technologist. www.schoolsinmississippi.com 10/15/03