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A research paper on cocaine, and its effects on the user.
Grown in the countries of South America, with Columbia being the most productive, the Erythroxylon Coca bush is the natural origin of cocaine, a central nervous stimulant. Its history is as rich and diverse as the people using and dealing the drug. Cocaine use dates as far back as the 16th century when it was used among Inca royalty. In the early 1800's cocaine was introduced to Europe. Sigmond Freud wrote a song in its
the high is good, all the while the time bomb is ticking. Blowing up your mind is just a matter of time. Works Cited Bailey, William J. Factline on Cocaine. 1995: <http://www.drugs.indiana.edu/publications/iprc/factline/coke.html> Heller, Matthew. "Addicted to Love." Los Angeles Magazine. Sept. 1999. No Author Given. <http://www.awesomestories.com/movies/blow/blow_story_ch9.htm> No Author Given. <http://www.cocaine.org>