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Aboriginal resistance in australia.
Resistance of the Aboriginal people. Resistance by Aboriginal Australians to the European invasion, led by Cook, was first signaled on 19 April 1770 when a youngster threw a stone. This resistance has never ended. This 'war' was never sanctioned or officially recognized by the British Empire, because it undermined their claim of our continent being terra nullius - land belonging to no-one, or, literally, 'empty land.' In maintaining the lie, they were also able to claim
force. "Let it not be said that the fair and equitable recognition of Aborigines' rights to land is discrimination. To call for the acknowledgement of the land rights of the people who have never surrendered those rights is not discrimination. Certainly what has been done cannot be undone. But what can now be done to remedy the deeds of yesterday must not be put off until tomorrow." - Pope John Paul II, Alice Springs, 29 November 1986.