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ABORTION The safest method for an early surgical abortion is a procedure called vacuum aspiration. Gently suctioning the lining of the uterus and removing all of the tissue of the pregnancy is the procedure to an early termination. Before the abortion, you will be asked to fill a medical history form and other paperwork. A social worker will spend time with you to inform you about the procedure, answer any questions you might have, and
evaluations of fertility risks. To prevent these rare occurrences, you need to prevent pregnancy. A full term pregnancy has a greater impact on a long-term fertility than does safe, legal abortions. (Contraceptive Technology, 17th edition, 98) . Each abortion procedure exposes the patient to the risks of the procedure, increasing the possibilities of having related complications or scarring of reproductive organs. Using contraceptive methods and practicing safe sex are the best ways to maintain a future fertility.