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Acid Rain 6
Acid rain is a type of precipitation with high acidity caused by the polluted atmosphere. It comes down in different types of precipitation such as: rain, snow. hail, or sleet. Acid rain is gradually wearing down our environment, affecting countries in almost every continent. One of the main causes of acid rain is sulphur dioxide. Natural sources which gives out these gases are volcanoes, sea spray, rotting vegetation and plankton. However, the burning of fossil
by factories. Gases given off by cars and trucks can be cleaned by filters called, "catalytic converters," to reduce the amount of gas given off. Finally, another way of reducing acid pollution is by conserving energy. "Every time we turn on an electric light switch, we are helping to create acid rain." Fossil Fuels are burned when you turn on the lights, which causes chemicals to be released in our atmosphere resulting in ACID RAIN.