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Attention Deficit Disorder Attention deficit disorder is a condition characterized by the attention span that is less than expected for the age of the person. There is often age inappropirate hyperactivity and impulsivness. Attention deficit disorder is broken down in three sub catergories. Attention disorder dificit / hyperacity disorder: combined type, predominate inattentive and predominatly hyperactive or impulsive. The cause of the disorder is unknown. Some contributing factors includes prenatal toxic exposure and prematurity. There frequently
is special ans unique. They all deserve a chance to grow into happy healthy adults. The ADD child has a slight disadvantage but that does not mean they can not succed.Help is available to parents, kids and teachers. ADD does not have to be a disaster for all involved. Support groups are available. Support groups are good for not only support but is also good forum in which to share problems and solutions( Wachie 165).