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Albert Speer's claim in the Nazi regime.
Albert Speer's claim that he was nothing more than an apolitical manage and that he had no direct involvement in the criminal activities of the Nazi regime is untrue. His appointment as Minister for Armaments and Hitler's 1942 decree transforming his department into a 'super-department' with wide-reaching powers allowed him unprecedented control over German industry. In this role Speer utilized forced labour from the concentration camps of Germany to maintain his extraordinary revolution of German industry
not know the contents of Himmler's speech by 8 October. "There is simply no way Speer can have failed to know about Himmler's speech, whether or not he actually sat through it. ... It is simply impossible to believe that Speer was unaware of the Final Solution after Posen" (Dan van der Vat). Speer's claim that he was nothing more than an apolitical manager has been completely disproved by the evidence released before and after his death.