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Alkalinity of aqueous systems
Letort Vanessa Student number: 2029474 HEV 4031 Kershaw Paul ALKALINITY OF AQUEOUS SYSTEMS INVESTIGATION OF THE CARBONATE /BICARBONATE SYSTEM AIMS This laboratory session should enable the operator: 1.<Tab/>To define and understand the importance of alkalinity of aqueous systems. 2.<Tab/>To determine what constitutes a buffer system. 3.<Tab/>To understand the buffering capacity of chemical species such as carbonate and bicarbonate. 4.<Tab/&
edu/cee/reckhow/courses/5721572bk16/ Ø<Tab/>Internet 4: Water Quality parameters http://www.uky.edu/WaterResources/Watershed/KEB_AR/ Ø<Tab/>Internet 5: Determination of Carbonate Content of a Soda ash Sample http://www.csudh.edu/olivier/che230/labmanual/carbonate.html Ø<Tab/>Internet 6: CBL: Water Quality Alkalinity http://www.euphrtaes.wpunj.edu/faculty/partnership/CBL/ex-cbl05.html