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An anylisis of qualitative and quantitative data: Is there one right way to conduct social research?
Is there one right way to conduct social research? When undertaking Social research there are two most commonly used methods: quantitative and qualitative; There is often a great divide between the users of qualitative and quantitative methods of research. Put simply, quantitative research uses mathematical principals and it is statistical, therefore it is often viewed as more reliable and valid. On the other hand there is qualitative research which is based on interviewing and finding
theoretical foundations. The Library Quaterly, 63 (4) October, pg(s) 411-430 Websites http://www.monaco.com.au "Module four: Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches to Research", as accessed on 4/5/2003 http://www.ecu.edu.au/fste/RIS/5110/guide/modual4.html " Market research techniques Qualitative vs. Quantitative, as accessed on 4/5/2003 http://www.resesarchsolutions.co.nz "Qualitative market research overview", as accessed on 4/5/2003 http://www.qualitative-research.net/fqs " Introduction: On the compatibility between Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods as accessed on 4/5/2003