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An essay on Black Boy by Richard Wright. The impact of hunger in Richard's life. Five quotes from the novel included with page references.
Black Boy by Richard Wright is a heartbreaking story (an autobiography) about boy Richard and his hard life. Richard was constantly fighting for food, freedom, peace, clothes, comfortable life and he was fighting against racism. He didn't have food throughout his life. His clothes were shabby and he constantly moved which sort of messed up his schooling. He loved reading and learning new things. Richard was a real fighter. He never gave up. He worked
temper flare, hunger that made hate leap out of my heart like the dart of a serpent's tongue, hunger that created in my odd cravings". (Pg. 103) 3. "My personality was numb, reduced to a lumpish, loose, dissolved state". (Pg 194) 4. "My clothing became so shabby that I was ashamed to go to school". (Pg. 143) 5. "The North symbolized to me all that I had not felt and seen; it had no relation whatever to what actually existed". (Pg. 168)