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Anita Roddick - This Woman Has Changed Business Forever: Analysis of an article about Anita Roddick - founder of The Body Shop.
Innocence, passion, simplicity, vision, honesty; these are just a few of the words that describe Anita Roddick's method that has been so successful in taking the reputation and operations of The Body Shop to the standard it adheres to today. The previously mentioned traits of Anita Roddick's management style are clearly the first thing that does/should stand out to readers, but there is another aspect to this article that really caught my attention; how
and take a more involved role in the future of the planet and humanity as well as the continued existence of the company itself. Overall this article was quite interesting, my mother has been using products from The Body Shop as long as I can remember, and my new found knowledge about the history and practices of Anita Roddick and her dream make for an even more interesting quasi relationship between myself and the company.