Essay database with free papers will provide you with original and creative ideas.
Another concept for a 5 minute script.
Jessica, 20, is in love with her lecturer Matthew. She wishes to be his girlfriend in a loving relationship. She then finds out he's gay and that he's in love with her best friend, Johnny. On the last day of College, Jessica and Matthew hook up, sleep t together and she falls pregnant. Jessica runs downstairs, grabs a cool drink out of the fridge and runs out of the house. It's Monday today and she has
morning with Matthew next to her and quickly gets changed and leaves the house. She is scared that it would break Tim's heart if he ever found out, so she tried to forget. 2 Months later, missing her second period goes to the doctor and finds out she's 2 months pregnant. She goes to Matthew's house where she finds Tim as well. She bursts into tears and says that she's pregnant and that Matthew is the father.