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Antogone written by Sophecles Ismene argues that it is hopeless to embark on a hopeless task. Antigone is furious.
Ismene argues that it is hopeless to embark on a hopeless task. Antigone is furious. Antigone is furious that her uncle Creon has given funeral honours to one of her brothers but not to the other. Creon has made the decision to leave Polynices unburied, unwept, and a feast for the birds. Antigone feels Creon has defied her and her sister and feels he has no right to keep her from her own blood. She …
…the street. But, I would not allow that either because in my opinion both of them are my blood and no matter what the case was I would do my best to see that both were buried and know one should have the right to stop me. Not even Creon. He should not have made that order without consulting Antigone because she should rightfully be the Queen. Creon should not have any authority over her.