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Arugments of Locke,Bayle & Leibniz. This essay includes the many arguments of Locke's Letter on Toleration, Bayle's Dictionary.
The arguments in Locke's Letter on Toleration are that there should be a separation between church and state and that there should be religious toleration. Locke's arguments for religious toleration connect nicely to his account of civil government. Life, liberty, health and property are our civil interests that should be the proper concen of a civil government. The civil government can use force and violence where it is necessary to preserve civil interests against attack.
we choose what clothes were going to wear for that day, what were going to eat and what tasks we need to accomplish for that day. No one forces any of those ideas upon us. We wake up every day with free will to life our lives as we please. God willed us to have free will and more times than not we take it as a grain of salt, instead of an enormous blessing.