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Assess the Significance of the 'Constitutional Crisis of 1975' on Australian Politics Today.
The Constitutional Crisis of 1975 is significant to Australian politics today to some extent. The Constitutional crisis involved the breach of constitutional conventions and the eventual dismissal of the Prime Minister. Many factors are involved in The Constitutional Crisis of 1975. The context of this time was economic crisis of stagflation, a very weak economy with simultaneously rising rates of inflation and unemployment. In December 1972, the Labor party (ALP) was elected for the first time in 23 years
argued that the crisis of 1975 has been significant as it's led to the amendment of S15 of the constitution and also influenced today's society as a 'mistake to learn from'. It can also be argued that the crisis of 1975 hasn't been significant as only 1 of the 3 main conventions breeched has been changed to stop the re-occurrence of 1975. These points mean that the constitutional crisis of 1975 has been significant to Australian Politics today to some extent.