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Baz Lurhman's Romeo and Juliet- Use of costuming
The costuming throughout the movie has been altered into modern clothing. The costuming worn at the Capulet's party symbolizes the position of the wearer in many different ways. Juliet and Romeo are often seen in white. Romeo appears in mostly blue tones or pale silvers while Juliet's signature is pure white. Simple tones would emphasize that they are, in a way, like specters, the ones whose hold on life is the most tenuous.The white
the audience. Each one is dressed in a way that directly reflects his or her role in the story, thus making it easier to understand not only this scene, but also the characterization of these individuals throughout. Tybalt and his other fellow Capulets are often dressed in black, wearing ornamental and expensive pieces of clothing, and bullet-proof vests have become required accessories. This symbolises their evil, sinful characters underneath their more manicured and preening look.