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Bibliography of Field Marshal Erwin Rommel.
Annotated Bibliography Field Marshal Erwin Rommel Primary Guderian, Gen. Heinz. Panzer Leader. New York: DaCapo Press, 1996. Panzer Leader is a remarkable look into the mind of one of the most influential architects of the Blitzkrieg. Guderian, though sometimes a bit self-promoting, recorded a clear and easily understood account of the rearmament of the Whermacht in the years prior to WWII; and also provides insight to the tactics and strategies borrowed from the British and utilized
about soldiers and their conditions in the War in North Africa. Mitchum, Samuel W. Rommel's Greatest Victory: The Desert Fox and the Fall of Tobruk, Spring 1942. Novato, California: Presidio Press, 1998. In this brief and concise study of Rommel, Mitchum strives to complete a study of Rommel as a commander and his involvement in the capitulation of Tobrukin 1942. the book is brief but descript, and a wonderfully compelling read. A great source. Mitchum achieves his goal.