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Brilliant Lies by David Williamson shows that sexual harassment is a twisted combination of sex and power.
Brilliant Lies by David Williamson shows that sexual harassment is a twisted combination of sex and power. Susy Conner uses sex to gain power, Gary Fitzgerald uses power to gain sex and Brian Conner was too drunk to realise his abuse of both power and sexual harassment. All of these characters wanted something and they all thought they knew how to get it by using either sex or power, or a little of each. Susy
would have had the money to pay for his operation. "So the fact that I'm sitting here today owes everything to you..." (70) In each case sex and power has been warped differently. Some of them are more to do with sex and some of them are more to do with power. But which ever way, both sex and power play a key role in sexual harassment and Brilliant Lies shows this all the way through.