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Bullfrogs Hearing Capacity
The bullfrog belongs to the family Ranidae and is commonly known for their deep resonant croaks, large body size and large ears (tympani). These frogs have a body size of 20cm/ 8in and have legs that are longer than the body (25cm/10in). They reside in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Africa, and many others in quiet lakes and ponds. Bullfrogs are very aggressive when defending their territories and do not hesitate to attack invaders,
I would also use operant conditioning for this part of the experiment in using food as a reward and starvation as a punishment. For both parts of this experiment, it is possible for error in that the bullfrog may not want to cooperate. This is one of the many reasons why I would use a large number of bullfrogs. Another reason for the latter is so that my results could be for the entire population.