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CD quality music can easily and quickly be distributed over the inter net. What should be done, if any thing, to control this type of activities?
Introduction: The state of the global music industry has brought an exciting argument in recent months. Many people criticised the industry for causing many problems. The US music industry started legal actions against hundreds of users accused of sharing music files without permission online. The global music industry is facing its most difficult times since sound was first recorded for sale to consumers. After long time of almost unlimited profits, the industry is suffering from
outlaw peer-to-peer file swapping. All over the world governments are formulating anti on line piracy laws. The European Union Copyright Directive, currently being assessed by the UK, is one suck anti-piracy measure . Whether we like it or not, the law is on the side of the record companies. If we download or share music illegally, don't be surprised if the copyright holder gets annoyed. Laws have evolved in society to protect the rights of individuals.