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<Tab/>As researchers have long observed, one cannot not communicate. This is especially true for couples. Although the most common complaint we hear is "We don't communicate" or "My partner won't communicate with me." There is no such thing as lack of communication in a relationship. The amused smile,a silent, pouting mouth, a shrug - each of these seemingly noncommunicative acts send a message. <Tab/>Sending
is something couples build out of their differences. REFERENCES Gender role self-concept and gender-typed communication behavior in mixed-sex and same-sex dyads Bonebright,T.L..Thompson,J.L., & Leger,D.W. (1996). Gender Stereotypes in the Expression and Perception of Vocal Effect. Sex Roles: A journal of research, 45 (5-6), 429 (417). Luthman, Shirley Gehrke (1972) Intimacy: The Essence of Male and Female.Los Angeles, California.Nash Publishing