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CYSTIC FIBROSIS I am the doctor for your hospital and have prepared the following paper for you to look at and possibly use. It includes information on what cystic fibrosis really is, what treatments there are, what you two can do for your child, and how it is inherited. I hope this document is useful to you in your incoming struggle against this horrible disease. It is good to know that you are not alone.
been since the early 1950's that cystic fibrosis has been categorized as a specific disease. This means that there is still a long away to go if curing CF. I sincerely encourage you t frequently check with me or another doctor for new developments and discoveries in the fight against cystic fibrosis. Sincerely yours, Dr. BIBLIOGRAPHY <www.ccff.ca/> <www.cfcare.come/> 1997-1998 <www.cysticfibrosis.com> <www.cf/web.mit.edu/> Encyclopedia Britannica- Cystic Fibrosis