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Cat-scratch disease otherwise known as cat-scratch fever.
Cat-Scratch Disease (CSD) Cat-scratch disease can also be known as cat-scratch fever or CSD. It's incubation period is between 1 and 2 weeks. Symptoms of the classic CSD range from mild to severe. In 50 percent to 90 percent of cases, a 0.5 to 1-cm brownish papule or pustule forms at the site of the scratch or bite from the cat and is considered an indicator of CSD. Regional lymphadenopathy follows in 3 to 10 days, often accompanied by malaise, fever, and
investigation (i.e., PPD skin tests and cultures of aspirated pus or lymph nodes) for unexplained lymphadenopathy; and characteristic lymph node lesions. In order to prevent getting CSD, flea control measures should be undertaken on a regular basis. Immunocompromised patients that are considering getting a cat should get an adult indoor cat of known origin rather than a young kitten. Avoid adopting a stray cat that is more likely to scratch and bite while playing.