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Civil Disobedience
When governments act in a way that is contrary to God's commands, how should Christians respond? Many believers throughout history have asked themselves this question or one similar to it when they are faced with government actions that are incompatible with Christian teachings. The issue also has relevance today as many believers are concerned with various issues such as government laws allowing abortions and, in Canada, with the passing of Bill C-250 that many fear
gt;http://www.searchingtogether.org/articles/davidson/manifesto.htm Stevick, D.B. (1969). Civil disodience and the Christian. New York: The Seabury Press,<Tab/>Inc. The Evangelical Free Church of America (1993). Civil Disobedience and the Christian<Tab/>[Online]. Retrieved June 26, 2004 from the World Wide Web:<Tab/>http://web.efca.org/about/media/civil_disobedience.pdf The NIV study Bible (10th ed.) (1995). Grand Rapids: Zondervan