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Compare and Contrast the movies "Grease" and "The Outsiders".
Although I thought they were two very different movies. To my surprise, 'Grease' and 'The Outsiders' do have some very similar characteristics. Even though the genres are different, they have similar themes. Not surprisingly, sound and lighting had almost no similarities. However; camerawork is very similar at various points of the two films. 'Grease' and 'The Outsiders' are very similar in numerous ways: Both movies involve gangs, the struggle to fit in and peer-group pressure.
emotion this scene gives is the complete opposite. An example of the dark, foggy light from 'The Outsiders', is just prior to and during the rumble. The lighting sets the mood for what we are about to see. Overall, these seemingly different films have quite a lot in common. Though at times, their differences are vast upon closer analysis we can clearly see that these movies are very similar, despite having different plots and genres.