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Consumer Psychology.
Recall the last time you purchased a cold drink in the Super Store. You located the cold drinks' refrigerator, examined the various drinks, selected a certain one, and paid for it at the cashier's counter on your way out. All this seems to be a normal and everyday sort of event. However, upon closer examination, there are host of questions that are raised by this everyday behavior. What made you purchase this drink in particular?
gt; Hawkins, Del I.' Roger J. Best, and Kenneth A. Coney (1998), Consume Behavior: Building Marketing Strategy, 7th edition, Boston: McGraw Hill. (taken from <http://www.larsperner.com/consumerpsychologist> , Lars Perner, 900 University Avenue University of California, Riverside, CA). Schultz, Duane P. &Schultz, Sydney E., (1990),"Psychology and the Consumer", Psychology and Industry Today, Macmillan Publishing company, NY 10022, P 573-624. http://www.psychology.org http://www.wsu.edu/~taflinge/psych1.html