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Creatine .Researched Effects of Creatine,Pros and Cons of use, complete with brand comparisons and testimonials. Contains references.
The first weeks of my senior season of football were the toughest times I had ever had in my life. We had two practices a day. We had one practice early in the morning, and one late in the afternoon. Physically, I wasn't at a level like most of my teammates. I felt like I couldn't do anything on the high school level; plus I was being thrown around like a rag doll. I needed
Ali. Telephone interview. 27 April. 2000. Klein, Scott. Creatine. [Online] Available http://nimbus.ocis.temple.edu/~sklein/#ABOUT, May 6, 1998 London, David. Creatine Concerns in England. [Online] Available http://www.usatoday.com/sports/soccer/wc98/full/wc98.htm, April 5, 1999. Marks, Alexandra. "Schools Wrestle with 'Bulk in a Bottle'". The Christian Science Monitor. September 30, 1998. Mumby, Chris. Personal interview. 2 Mar. 1999. Potratz, Adam. Personal interview. 3 Mar. 1999. Sahelian, Ray. Creatine Nature's Muscle Builder. [Online] Available http://www.raysahelian.com/creatine.html, March 12, 1999.