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Cross Cultural Barriers to be Overcome when Marketing into New Markets Internationally
This paper will overview the cross-cultural barriers marketers face when marketing into new markets internationally. Defining the key words culture, globalization and international marketing are brought and discussed in this paper. Different cross-cultural factors that need to be considered when marketing internationally will be introduced in this discussion, such as; barriers to exporting, the consumers behaviour and reluctance to accept foreign products, the market entry timing a company has to take into consideration and the
pp. 81-95. Walker, C., 1996, "Can TV save the planet?", American Demographics, 18, May, 42-9. Wooldridge, J.M., 2000, Introductory Econometrics: A Modern Approach, South-Western College Publishing, Mason, OH. Yehiyurt S., Townsend J., 2003 "Does culture explain acceptance of new products in a country?: An empirical investigation", Journal of International Marketing Review, vol 20. No. 4. pp. 377-396 Zou, S., Cavusgil, S.T., 2002, "The GMS: broad conceptualization of global marketing strategy and its effect on firm performance", Journal of Marketing, 66, 4, 40-56.