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Cross-reading New Order
When writing slash fanfiction based on musicians, their lyrics often serve as an inspiration for creating the fandom itself. This piece's intention is not to insinuate that New Order lyricist, singer, (and in my case, slash fanfiction subject) Bernard Sumner is homosexual or bisexual. In this section, I shall examine certain lyrics by him that can be interpreted as exhibiting homosexuality; some more inclined in that direction than others. One of the most well-known songs
right to be homosexual? If that is the case, to give up that belief is to commit emotional suicide. The verse continues with the lines, "We lose another broken heart in a land of meat." This phrase may be interpreted as a metaphor for libido and sex. "My friend he took his final breath. Now I know the perfect kiss is the kiss of death," ends the song, indicating that Bernard's friend dies of AIDS.