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De Las Casas
In the late fifteenth century, 1492, the Americas were discovered. What was to be a year later, the first "so-called" Christians settled on a plentiful island called Hispaniola. The Spaniards, as they were called, then systematically proceeded to slaughter the native people of "New Spain" and also devastate and depopulate the land. Following the discovery of the Americas, the Spaniards began to journey to the new land on the pretence of spreading the word of God.
to do with their barbaric endeavours. During the mass genocide of the Indian inhabitants of the Americas, Las Casas represented the side of the true Christian: the Christian that loves, respects, and treats with dignity, all races and creeds. Las Casas acted as a one-man army the only way he could; he documented the nauseating actions of the "so-called" Christians so the terrible injustice committed to these wonderful and giving natives would not go unrecognised.