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Discussing the film "Erin Brocovich", examine how this media text has been used to dispaly social class and prejudices within American society.
Erin Brocovich is not a typical lawyer; we see all lawyers as well dressed, well spoken, and dedicated to the job fully, and down to the point but with subtly. Erin Brocovich isn't any of these things. She has a family at home to take care of, so she always puts them first; she dresses how she wants and if anyone says anything about her clothes, she retorts back about how she can dress how
then. She had to fight for her job at the office, and she had to fight to get the case won. Her personality has shown through her lawyer side many times, especially when she gets angry. She has made everyone respect her because of her attitude towards the greater good. In the end, she manages to get the respect she deserved by not giving up- that is what makes the film an inspiration to others.