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Does All Knowledge Come From Experience?
Does all knowledge come from experience ? From the classical empiricist point of view, -traditionally associated with John Locke, and primarily his 'Essay Concerning Human Understanding'- almost certainly so. Locke's epistemological contention was that knowledge is derived from experiential concepts acquired in the form of sense-data. These sense-data were supposed, according to Locke, to be of primary and secondary qualities, which when combined with and abstracted from each other gave rise to tertiary qualities. Examples of
of the knowledge must entail some form of synthesis of two separate concepts; the subject(1), about which the predicate(2) is asserted. Some form of non-experiential information or faculty is necessary to enable judgement upon it. An example of this is the mathematical truth that 5+7=12, a mere analysis of the two determining variables, '5' and '7' is insufficient to arrive at out recognition of their sum, which requires an additional process to be reached.