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Donnie Darko - Detailed Summary/explanation and Analysis of themes & film techniques. 'How is Donnie Darko relevant to an imaginary/inner journey?'
Donnie Darko is an intelligent, yet delirious and emotionally-ill teenager, who's idealistic fantasy of correcting the wrongs in society, finally appears possible in a 'tangent universe' (an imaginative reality), where he is guided by an imaginary friend Frank, who appears as a malevolent giant bunny in Donnie's day-time hallucinations. In the early stages of the film, Frank literally lures Donnie from reality and introduces him to a tangent universe where Donnie observes what would've been, (
Finally, Kelly's concept of fatalism may well be perceived as a mere scapegoat for human failure, yet such a perception would be grossly incorrect. He emphasizes that; we shouldn't knowingly inhibit ourselves because we travel on a set path in life. If anything, a pre-determined future should provide motivation, and encourage one take advantage of daily opportunities and prospects. After all, we are oblivious as to when exactly, our journey of life shall ultimately cease.