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Dreams vs. Reality: The play "The Glass Menagerie" written by Thomas Lanier Williams, posses different aspects of how the Wingfields escape into their own little happy place.
Dreams vs. Reality As the world turns, some people look around and imagine life as a dream world. Others look at the world as it is....the world of reality. The imagination allows people to find an escape from reality to cope with the problems faced each day. The play "The Glass Menagerie" written by Thomas Lanier Williams, posses different aspects of how the Wingfields escape into their own little happy place. The author expresses …
…people do not realize that they cannot run from their fears and problems. If you do not face them they will grow bigger and bigger until you have no choice but to face them. The bigger they get, the harder they will be to resolve. I think that is the main idea that Thomas Williams was trying to get across. Trying to escape from your problems is never the answer. You have to face them.