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(BY SHAHEEN MOHAMMED) 1.0<Tab/>INTRODUCTION Vietnam has experienced more than one decade of high growth rate and it is estimated to be the second highest GDP growth country this year, just after China. Vietnam has recently implemented the AFTA agreement and it will join WTO in the next several years. Together with this integration and globalization trend, e-commerce now is becoming a hot issue for all business organizations and economic forums
www.verisign.com/products/site/commerce/index.html 18.<Tab/>http://www.business2.com/articles/web/0,1653,16377,FF.html (December 15, 2003) 19.<Tab/>http://www.pcworld.com/resource/article/0,aid,68775,pg,1,00.asp 20.<Tab/>http://helios.unive.it/~franz/COMM/10a%20edi-03.pdf, E-Commerce B2B & Electronic Data Interchange, F. Dalla Libera BY SHAHEEN MOHAMMED E-MAIL: shaheka143@hotmail.com ** NB: Please put my name as reference.