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Ecstasy and what it can do to its user.
The buzz about X (Ecstasy) is reaching an all-time high. Since 1997, teen use of this drug has grown more than any other drug, according to Monitoring the Future, a research group tracking youth behavior; approximately 10.5 percent of 12th graders say they've tried X in the last year. Ecstasy is supposed to bring about a feeling of euphoria. It shuts off parts of your brain and supplants an extended dose of adrenaline and seratonin (that stuff
anecdotal evidence that MDMA-assisted therapy can be used in the treatment of depression, anxiety, addictions and phobias," says Holland. And get this: Recently, the Food and Drug Administration finally gave its support to a study of whether X is an effective remedy for post-traumatic stress disorder. If it is, it will certainly kick off a firestorm of debate about if, how and when Ecstasy should ever be moved from the black market to the supermarket