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Electro-Static Revision Notes
*Electric Current is a flow of electric charges, consisting of electrons. Two types of charges - positive and negative. No charge matter is neutral. Forces between charges are called electrostatic forces. - Like charges repel, unlike attract. *Rule - charge must always be conserved, it cannot be created or destroyed. *Current measured with an ammeter, voltage measured with a voltmeter. *Current (I) = Charge (Q) / Time (t) *Coulomb (C) is amount of charge passing a point
+ R3... *Parallel circuit - made of branches and thus, charge can go through more than one way. Same p.d. across each component but current is shared among the components. *1 / Resistance (Total) = (1 / R1) + (1 / R2) + (1 / R3)... *Internal Resistance is the energy used up inside the component itself and is thus wasted and not all the available energy is being transferred from one terminal to another. *Total energy difference per unit charge is the electromotive force.