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Elizabeth smart.
The Story of Elizabeth Smart In Salt Lake City, UT, a young teenager by the name of Elizabeth Smart was taken from her bedroom in her family's million-dollar home. An unknown man, later identified by as Brian David Mitchell, took her on June 5, 2002. Elizabeth's 9-year old sister, Mary Catherine, told investigators that an older man had abducted Elizabeth at knifepoint. Mitchell had previously worked for Ed and Lois Smart as a handy man at their
friends are thrilled to have Elizabeth back and call her return nothing short of a miracle. Not much is known about what happened during Elizabeth's disappearance. Ed Smart, Elizabeth's father, stated, "What is going to come out is going to come out, I don't have it in me to make this harder for her than it is." Elizabeth's story has sparked a nationwide awareness of the importance of kidnapping prevention and the National AMBER Alert.