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Enuresis Enuresis is the medical term used to describe the involuntary discharge of urine beyond the age when a child is old enough to be able to control urination (usually considered to be six years of age for nighttime control), or more commonly, bedwetting. There are several types of enuresis: diurnal enuresis is wetting that occurs during waking hours, primary nocturnal enuresis is a lack of the achievement of total bladder control during sleep, and
child and the family. The National Kidney Foundation maintains a physician referral service of physicians nationwide who have indicated an interest in caring for patients with bed-wetting. This referral service can be reached at 1-800-622- 9010. Also, the National Enuresis Society can be reached via mail at 7777 Forest Lane Suite C-737, Dallas, TX 75230-2518. Their foundation is dedicated to building greater understanding of enuresis and can help with any problem relating to child enuresis.