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Environment and economic growth go hand in hand in Denmark.
Growth which entails heavy costs to society inthe form of environmental degradation is notsustainable.The challenge for the future is tocreate systems which make environmental pro-tection a natural part of growth. Growth willneed to be based on careful use of materials andenergy at all stages, combined with a largercomponent of services and knowledge. Informa-tion technology will have an important part toplay.'Just as a policy to achieve growth musttake account of the environment, soenvironmental policy
Pool has producedboth environmental benefits andtemporary work for the unem-ployed. State funding has beenprovided for tangible environ-mental initiatives in such areasas urban ecology, transport,reuse, and restoration of naturalhabitats. The Job Pool's grantstowards the salaries of individ-uals employed to help smallercompanies set up environmentalmanagement systems haveproved a particular success,with most of those employed inthis way remaining with thecompanies concerned beyondthe end of the grant period.Green jobs scheme in DenmarkElectrical hybrid bus in Stockholm.