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Ethics According to Natural Law - Aquinas's and Augustine's Views.
Natural law would view abortion as wrong because it interferes with the fetus's "quest" toward its divine destiny of completed potentiality as a human being. "Thomas Aquinas, On the Truth of the Catholic Faith, book II, ch. 89, reflected the influence of Aristotle's views on human development: "The vegetative soul, which comes first, when the embryo lives the life of a plant, is corrupted, and is succeeded by a more perfect soul, which is both nutritive
marriage is the free commitment of a woman and a man to unite as wife and husband exclusively and for life for the sake of their mutual fulfillment, for family life, for the building up the community. Works Cited Irvine, A., "Bertrand Russell", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 1999 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL = http://plato.stanford.edu/archives/fall1999/entries/russell/ Martin, Mike W. Everyday Morality: An Introduction to Applied Ethics. Wadsworth: Canada, 2001.