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"European Civilization : Created by the masses" --19th Century ideologies,1920's -1930's dictatorships,aftermath of the World Wars.
-Over view- This 12 page paper reviews 19th century ideologies (political and economical). Reviews France and Britian during the French and Industrial Revolution periods. Talks about WW1 and the crisis it presented, also the breakdown in European Order thru invoked treaties. It goes over 1920's-1930's dictatorships leading to WW2. Then a summary of Capitalism,Communism,and Socialism trying to mesh. This Paper also references afew facts from my essay "Industrial Revolution: From Blood and Iron",
the matter that we cant go around shoving beliefs down other people's throats, just like we saw in that French Revolutionist comic in the "Western Civilizations" book, entitled "the bread of liberty" where the French revolutionaries were "shoving" the "bread of liberty" down the throats of others (Holland, Prussia, Britain, and the papacy). This could even be compared to today's "War on Terrorism" in a matter of speaking, but who am I to say? ---------------------------------------------------------