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Exclusionary Rule
The Exclusionary Rule One of the most controversial and historical rulings that the United States Supreme Court has handed down was in 1961 Mapp v. Ohio ruling that extended "The Exclusionary Rule" to the States. Through the years, strong arguments for support, as well as for the criticism of this landmark decision have been made. Regardless of which side of the argument one finds their self, it is agreed that this decision has changed American justice
Karson, Jill. Criminal Justice, Opposing Viewpoints. San Diego, California, 1998: 46, 74-77, 90. Grossman, Joel B. & Wells, Richard S. Constitutional Law & Judicial Policy Making (Second Edition). Madison, Wisconsin, 1972: 801-838, 815-882. Ferdico, John N. Criminal Procedure for the Criminal Justice Professional (Eight Edition). Belmont, California, 2002: 76-90, 147-149, 213-214. Nash, Jay Robert. World Encyclopedia of 20th Century Murder. New York, New York, 1989. Schwartz, Bernard & Lesher, Stephan. Inside the Warren Court. Garden City, New York, 1983: 5, 66, 168-169, 129-130, 173-174.