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Features of Neoliberal Globalization
Globalization creates many problems to the world in term of economy, politics and the culture. The globalization has become more apparent with the advent of technological developments. Advances in technology bring more efficient production processes, better products, and faster, cheaper ways of doing business. The immediate effect may be success in business competition, but the total effect is not more profits, but more economic crises due to unfair competition and disorder. Neo-liberalism has become the
amp;gt;www.guardian.com *<Tab/>http://www.worldbank.org/research/journals/wbro/obsaug00/pdf/(6)Williamson.pdf *<Tab/>Adelman, I (2000), Fifty Years of Economic Development: What have we Learned? www.worldbank.org/research/abcde/eu_2000/pdffiles/adelman.pdf *<Tab/>Reflections on Integration, Industrialization and Growth in the World Economy, http://www.unrisd.org/unrisd/website/document.nsf/0/5A845EBED2DF5750C1256D7200462 727?OpenDocument