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Functions and Conflict of Physician Assisted Suicide.
Physician Assisted Suicide Structural functional paradigm Individuals, who elect to end their lives by physician-assisted suicide, typically have an incurable illness. These people are suffering with severe pain and no hope for the future. There is no way of making the suffering bearable for terminal patients. The terminal patients are in good mental health and understand what they are asking for. The person has a right to a merciful and acceptable death. In using physician
terminally ill. Hospitals and other institutions may be predisposed to encourage physicians to gain consent of some patients as cost-control measures. Hospitals will see it as a way of clearing out patients without insurance. Insurance companies may try to persuade hospitals to offer assisted suicides for their own benefit. Hospitals will see it as a way of clearing out patients without insurance. If patients' death were hastened to save money, then it would be murder.